Sunday, December 14, 2014

Healthy Life


When talking about what causes cancer we need to talk about it at two different levels.
The first level is talking about cancer at the systemic level, meaning what conditions in the body allowed the cancer to grow out of control and how do we deal with this issue.
The second level of talking about cancer is talking about what causes cancer at the cellular level. In other words, why does a healthy cell become cancerous.
As part of this we will also discuss how to revert cancer cells into normal cells, which is one way to treat cancer.
These are, two totally different subjects!!
We can compare these two levels by talking about a flood. We could talk all day long about the damage a rain storm caused, such as the flooding of rivers, the damage to crops caused by heavy rain, the damage to roads that have flooded, etc. But that is only one level to talk about rain. We could also ask what weather conditions cause rain to form in the clouds.
Thus, a scientist might talk about what causes rain up in the clouds, but a newscaster might talk about the damage caused by the flooding of a river caused by the rain.
The same is true about cancer. A cancer practitioner might research how to kill cancer cells or to revert them into normal cells, but a cancer researcher might ask why the immune system was weak and why individual cells were cancerous.
A discussion about what causes cancer at the cellular level is a totally different subject than talking about what causes cancer at the systemic level.
So let us start by talking about cancer at the systemic level.

What Causes Cancer – Systemic Level
Everyone has cancer cells in their body, so why does one person never get diagnosed with cancer and another person is diagnosed with cancer?
Cancer is almost always caused by the same multi-step sequence of events.
First, nasty microbes and parasites get inside of the organs and make their homes there. These microbes generally come from meat that was not adequately cooked, but they can come from other sources as well.
Second, these microbes intercept glucose which was headed for the cells in the organs.
Third, these microbes excrete (as waste products) mycotoxins, which are highly acid and totally worthless to the cells.
Fourth, because the cells (in the organs) don’t get the food they need (because it has been intercepted), and because they are living in a sea of filth (i.e. mycotoxins), the cells in the organ become weak.
Fifth, organs are made exclusively of cells. In other words, if you took all of the cells out of an organ, there would be no organ. Thus, because the cells in the organ(s) are weak, the organ(s) are weak.
Sixth, because one or more major organs are weak the immune system becomes weak. Actually, the microbes weaken the immune system both directly and indirectly.
Seventh, because the immune system is weak it cannot kill enough cancer cells and the cancer cells grow out of control.
Thus, in summary, the “root cause” of cancer is microbes and parasites that are in the organs or colon (or bloodstream), which weakens the immune system!!
However, other things can cause cancer. For example, a vaccination can weaken the immune system due to mercury and/or toxins. Filth in the colon can also lead to a weak immune system (see the book: “Fire in the Belly” by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, MD.):
The reader might have noted the “or bloodstream” note above. Cancer patients who have microbes in the organs also have microbes in the bloodstream. Which caused the other will vary by cancer patient. But microbes which originate in the organs will spread the microbes to the bloodstream, and vice versa. Exactly how much the microbes in the organs weaken the immune system, versus how much the microbes in the bloodstream weaken the immune system varies by case, but parasites would likely be found in the organs.
When thinking about the above steps, there are three major ways to cure cancer:
1) Safely target and kill the cancer cells,
2) Kill the microbes inside the cancer cells (which will be discussed below) and the cancer cells will revert into normal cells,
3) Kill the microbes that are causing the immune system to be weak (and this includes the microbes in the organs and the microbes in the bloodstream).
Actually, without doing #3, the cancer would come back again.
However, there are many ways to get rid of the microbes and parasites in the organs.
For example, the High RF Frequency Generator with Plasma Amplifier or High RF Frequency Generator with Linear Amplifier will also kill these microbes and parasites without knowing what they are. This is because this device will cover enough frequencies to kill all of these microbes and parasites.
Another option is “liver flushes,” such as designed by Hulda Clark or Ty Bollinger (in his book: The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure).
So in short, there are treatments for all budgets.

Fixing the “Root Cause” of Cancer
While many natural cancer treatments do very well against cancer, what is missing in many natural cancer treatment protocols is getting rid of the microbes in the organs, which is the “root cause” of most cases of cancer.
In many cases the immune system can get rid of these microbes, but in fact some types of tapeworms, flukes and fungus, etc. cannot be killed by the immune system for one reason or another (e.g. the microbes are not accessible by the immune system).
Liver flushes and special nutrients may be required to deal with these microbes and parasites. But the fact is that many natural cancer treatments do very well without dealing with these special microbes. But the patient should be aware of these issues.
By getting rid of the microbes in the organs, plus doing the normal cancer treatments, the balance (i.e. a strong immune system and a low number of cancer cells) is restored enough to keep the cancer from coming back. The patient is cured because their immune system has been fixed and the number of cancer cells (by using special protocols) has been reduced!! The cancer will not come back as long as the patients watch their diet.
The approach of orthodox medicine, however, is to severely damage the immune system with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This makes the imbalance even worse because these things damage the immune system and do a very poor job of targeting the cancer cells and do an even worse job of killing the microbes in the organs.
Orthodox cancer treatments also kill many healthy cells and can damage organs, the lymph system, etc. Is it any wonder the cancer always seems to “come back” after surgery or chemotherapy? This is called “regression.”
For example, how does cutting off a breast going to fix the immune system?  It is like you cut your nose to cure your cold. Don’t be absurd. I don’t know how many times I have told cancer patients that “you cannot cut cancer out.”
Is it any wonder that alternative cancer treatments, when administered by experts, have a massively higher cure rate than orthodox medicine? Most natural cancer treatments include immune builders and things that kill cancer cells. Some protocols also include things to clean the blood of microbes, which will also supercharge the immune system.
Ponder this carefully: even when orthodox medicine puts someone into “remission” (i.e. their cancer appears to be gone), they have not fixed the “root cause” of the cancer, so it is almost certain the cancer will come back!! That is why the true “five-year” cure rate of orthodox medicine is less than 3%.
Because the “root cause” of cancer is a weak immune system, YOU CANNOT CUT CANCER OUT, you have to deal with the “root cause” of the cancer!!!

Even in Natural Medicine the Cancer Can Come Back
Many natural cancer treatments, whether cancer treatments that kill the cancer cells or even revert the cancer cells into normal cells, can have significant regression rates!!
One reason was discussed above, the microbes in the organs and/or bloodstream were not identified and destroyed.
In other words, even natural cancer treatments that kill cancer cells or revert cancer cells into normal cells can have the cancer return!! If natural cancer treatments don’t fix the “root cause” of the cancer, by cleaning the blood, and especially the organs of microbes and parasites, the cancer can come back.

What Causes Cancer – Cellular Level – Part 1
So far we have only talked about what causes cancer at the systemic level. So what causes an individual cell to become cancerous? Many cancer cells form by a prior cancer cell dividing and creating two cancer cells. But how does a normal cell, which is not cancerous, become cancerous?
In a normal cell, molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) provide the energy of the cell. ATP molecules are created inside the mitochondria which are inside of every human cell. In fact, there are thousands of mitochondria inside of every human cell.
The very definition of a cancer cells is low ATP energy!!
The normal process of creating ATP molecules is this (this is highly simplified):
1) Glucose gets inside of the cell from the bloodstream,
2) Some of the glucose is converted into pyruvate [this is about a 10 step process],
3) Pyruvate gets inside of the mitochondria,
4) Once inside the mitochondria, pyruvate is at the beginning of two sequential chemical reactions (the Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle and then the Electron Transport Chain which spins-off about half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle). It is these two cycles which create most of the ATP molecules in the cell.
Cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than a normal cell. Thus, a person would logically expect a cancer cell to create 15 times more ATP molecules than a normal cell.
But in reality, cancer cells create virtually zero ATP molecules!! Cancer cells are ATP molecule starved and they have to revert to fermentation to create what little ATP molecules they create.
With so much glucose there should be an abundance of ATP molecules!! Why do cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose and yet not be able to create a significant amount of ATP molecules?
The thing that blocks the production of ATP molecules is a very special pleomorphic bacteria that is inside the cancer cells!!.
The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, and others, believe the microbe is Helicobacter Pylori or H. pylori. In some cases Fusobacterium may be involved as well as it is also known to get inside of cells.
While everyone has H. pylori bacteria in their body (generally in their digestive tract), how does H. pylori get inside of a healthy cell? Generally it doesn’t. But in some cases an acidic diet can make this bacteria highly aggressive and it can literally drill itself inside of a normal cell to get away from the acidity in the blood, as discovered by Robert O. Young, PhD.
Another way microbes can get inside of cells is because asbestos or the chemicals in tobacco cut the cell membrane. This can allow microbes inside the cells. But remember that even though all of us have cancer cells, don’t forget we also have an immune system.
So how does a bacteria block the production of ATP molecules and thus turn a cell cancerous after it has gotten inside the cell?
In 2004, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation developed the model which still stands today.
The bacteria blocks ATP production in two different ways:
First, bacteria eat glucose so as the bacteria proliferate inside the cell (by the way, a bacteria is roughly the same size as a mitochondria) they intercept more and more glucose. This means less and less pyruvate is made because there is less glucose to be converted into pyruvate. This means less ATP is made!!
Second, microbes excrete mycotoxins, which are highly acidic and totally worthless molecules.
As one ICRF (i.e. the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.) researcher put it: the mitochondria, instead of “swimming” in a sea of pyruvate are swimming in a sea of mycotoxins!!
Both items contribute to the mitochondria not obtaining enough pyruvate and this hinders both the Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain and thus blocks the production of an adequate amount of ATP in the mitochondria.
This microbe is highly pleomorphic, meaning it has many different sizes and shapes. This microbe can literally be smaller than a virus. Many people think it is a virus or fungus that causes cancer, but it is actually a cell wall deficient highly pleomorphic bacteria.
The book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens describes the 16 phases of the cancer microbe. See this article for their names:
In one of its smaller states it is the size of a virus and can enter inside of the cell nucleus. Like a virus, which gets inside of the nucleus, the DNA of the cancer microbe can interact with the DNA inside the cell nucleus and change the DNA structure of the cell.
  • More importantly, the Dillers [who were part of the Dr. Virginia Livingston team] showed that cancer germs [i.e. microbes] were able to gain entrance not only into the [non-cancerous] cell (intra-cellular), but also into the nucleus of the cell. This intra-nuclear invasion meant that cancer microbes could gain access to the genes contained within the nucleus itself.Four Women Against Cancer, by Dr. Alan Cantwell, M.D, Page 47
Scientists see the DNA damage caused by these microbes and claim that it is DNA damage which causes cancer. This is like saying that smoke is the cause of fires. It is a good guess, but it is false. The DNA damage of a cancer cell is caused by the DNA of the same highly pleomorphic bacteria that blocked the production of ATP molecules. Actually, this bacteria does many other things to create cancer cells, protect cancer cells from the immune system and spread cancer!! In fact, the characteristics of this bacteria are mind-numbing.
Thus, the claim by cancer researchers (who are funded by the pharmaceutical industry) that DNA damage causes cancer is wrong. Whether this is an intentional error (i.e. to avoid finding a cure for cancer) or is caused by ignorance I do not know.
In any case, due to the lack of energy in cancer cells (i.e. due to the lack of ATP molecules), cancer cells are very weak. But because cancer cells steal glucose from the body the non-cancerous cells have less glucose and are very sick!! They are sick for other reasons as well (e.g. cachexia cycle as cancer cells excrete lactic acid).
Many cancer researchers, starting over 100 years ago in the 1890s, have isolated the cause of cancer to be microbes (at the cellular level), though they did not understand the mechanism inside the cell which caused a microbe to make a cell cancerous.
  • In 1890 the distinguished pathologist William Russell (1852-1940) first reported “cancer parasites” in cancer tissue that was specially stained with carbol fuchsin, a red dye. The “parasite” was found inside and outside the cells. The smallest forms were barely visible microscopically; and the largest parasites were as large as red blood cells. Russell also found “parasites” in tuberculosis, syphilis and skin ulcers.Four Women Against Cancer, by Dr. Alan Cantwell, M.D, pages 53-54
Dr. Russell, in 1890, knew that the cancer microbes was pleomorphic!!
Note that the cancer microbe was found both inside and outside of the cancer cells. One method that cancer cells use to spread quickly (at least for some kinds of cancer) is for the cancer microbe to come out of the cell, travel through the blood and create a new “colony” of cancer cells far from the original colony. Squamous Cell Carcinoma, melanomas, sarcomas and uterine cancer have all been identified by ICRF researchers as spreading in this way!!
This is just the beginning.
The cancer microbe also excretes enzymes that coat the outside of the cancer cells. This coating of enzymes blocks the immune system from identifying the cancer cells as being cancer cells!!
It was also discovered, around the 1950s, that natural pancreatic enzymes, made in the pancreas, could dissolve this protein coating so the immune system could identify and thus kill the cancer cells.
This discovery in turn led to the advice that natural cancer treatments should prohibit the cancer patient from eating meats or other foods that the pancreatic enzymes cut apart. In other words, these foods “use up” the pancreatic enzymes while in the stomach so less of them are available to expose cancer cells to the immune system.
When a cancer patient is using pancreatic enzymes in their protocol, they should not eat meat or dairy products. In fact, no cancer patient should eat very much meat and they should not eat or drink any dairy products (for multiple reasons) or sugar.
The trade-off is that meat can help a weak cancer patient who is not on a pancreatic enzyme protocol.
It gets worse. Dr. Matthias Rath discovered that these microbes excrete enzymes that “cut a path” along tissue so the cancer can spread more easily along tissue!!
In summary, cancer at the systemic level is caused by an imbalance between the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer cells. At the systemic level many, many things can cause cancer, especially things that weaken the immune system. The weak immune system is almost always caused by microbes and parasites which are inside the organs, but are not necessarily inside the cancer cells.
But cancer at the cellular level is caused by very unique and common microbes which are inside of the cancer cells. These microbes do many amazing things to help cancer cells do their damage and protect themselves!!
It gets worse.
Cancer cells create and excrete large amounts of lactic acid, as already mentioned, as they process large amounts of glucose inefficiently. This lactic acid goes into the bloodstream and gets to the liver. The liver converts the lactic acid to glucose. This “ping pong ball” cycle, where the cancer cells convert glucose into lactic acid and the liver converts lactic acid into glucose, is called the “lactic acid cycle” or “cachexia cycle.”
This cycle is what kills about half of all cancer patients because so much energy is consumed at both ends of the cycle. The patient becomes very weak and simply dies.
The lactic acid also blocks many key nutrients from getting to the cancer cells!!
Dealing with the lactic-acid cycle is frequently a major effort of a cancer treatment. It may involve using hydrazine sulphate, Methyl-Sulphonal-Methane (which helps flush the lactic acid out), D-Ribose (to get energy to the non-cancerous cells), Vitamin C (ditto), etc. etc.

What Causes Cancer – Cellular Level – Part 2
In What Causes Cancer – Cellular Level – Part 1 we talked about how microbes can lower ATP energy, which is the very definition of a cancer cell.
Are there other things that can lower ATP energy? Actually there are. This section will talk about two other things that can cause a cell to be cancerous.
The first thing is certain chemicals or asbestos. How can chemicals cause cancer? If these chemicals or asbestos get inside the cell, they can damage or destroy many of the mitochondria. And there may be other ways they can damage the production of ATP, such as chemically interfering with the chemical chain reactions that are leading to ATP (either outside or inside the mitochondria).
Let’s talk about the second cause. The second cause is DNA damage. This is NOT as common as you might think. Orthodox medicine claims that ALL cancer is caused by DNA damage. This is nonsense.
However, I will agree that SOME cancers are caused by DNA damage. Many of the ICRF cancer treatments would not work on cancers caused by genetic damage.
For example, take the BRCA2 gene. Let us suppose that in a cell the BRCA2 gene is damaged by chemicals, GMO foods, or any number of other causes.
As the cell with this DNA damage divides, all of the “daughter” cells” will have this genetic damage.
So how does a bad gene create a cancer cell? In a cell, genes are the patterns used to make enzymes or proteins. If a gene is damaged then the enzymes or proteins made by this gene will be defective.
Everything that goes on in a cell is controlled by proteins. There are worker proteins, supervisor proteins, etc. If these are damaged then one or more of the large number of chemical chain reactions inside the cell may fail. This may mean the creation of ATP is damaged.
If a significant amount of ATP energy production is blocked inside the cell, then by definition the cell is cancerous.
So exactly how do the BRCA1 or BRCA2 defective genes cause cancer? We don’t know where or why their defective enzymes block the production of ATP energy and we don’t know by how much they block the ATP production.
They cannot block the ATP production completely or the cell would fall apart. So we do know it is a partial interference.


Please note that this blog is not for publishing any basic research material from the author.  Contents of the blog are available elsewhere on the internet or in published books . I am only trying to help new visitors on the subject so that they do not need to spend hundreds of hours of surfing on the internet or reading relevant books in finding a suitable known alternative cancer  therapy. In the process, some of the home therapies are simplified as home protocol giving details of how to take the ingredients, so that decision on applying a particular therapy becomes easier. The administrator of this website does not bear any responsibility for effectiveness of any therapy as these are not his own creations. However, efforts will be made to give scientific evidences of respective therapies so that the readers get in-depth information on the therapies before they decide to use any. Most of the therapies are based on solid theory behind cancer and some are designed by researchers in the level of Nobel Laureates/Nobel nominees. However, the protocols may be modified time to time based on further study and/or experience of patients applying these protocols.

Though this blog is being maintained specifically for cancer, important health issues which may come across during the study on cancer will also be published through separate sections.

Further, the protocols given in this blog are not to be considered as prescription to any patient but sharing of information only. I am only sharing information obtained from the internet and information obtained from cancer patients who are following these therapies or protocols of their own at home. I am sharing them with you not to suggest that you will have the same experiences but because you have a right to make your own evaluation / or choice. Similar to my right to freedom -of- speech, you also have right to freedom-of information and choice. Decision is yours.


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